Thursday, October 27, 2011

Occupy November 2nd

Due to the Oakland Police overreacting on Tuesday, the sever injuries to marine and two time Iraq Vet Scott Olsen, Occupy Wall Street is supporting Occupy Oakland, as now have several other Occupy locations, and have called for a nationwide general strike on Wednesday November 2nd. We will be joining the effort, though I admit its cheating- Wednesdays' the restaurant is normally closed! It doesn't lessen Amberwind's and my support. It also doesn't hurt a struggling small town small business in the midst of a recession by being closed an extra day. Besides, those of us who are truly small business owners should NEVER be part of such a boycott- large corporations that are part of the problem should. I AM a capitalist, but I supply paid vacations and healthcare as a small business that grosses less than $300K/year during this recession. I have given my employees several raises over the years while giving myself only 1. I am part of the 99%.

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