Friday, November 11, 2011

Veterans Day

I didn't serve- it was the last year of Vietnam, my number was in the 300's (for those to young, birthdays were randomly picked and whether you went or not was determined by how high a number they were drafting from) and they were drafting to only 50; and no one was supporting the war. I almost enlisted in  the Navy but friends talked me out of it- since the war was winding down but not over- and I dropped out and lived in the Mediterranean basin instead. I cooked my way through several countries. A good choice since I never became the doctor I went through 3 years of college for, but went to the Culinary Institute of America (CIA) instead.

I've since had many friends who were career military, a few lovers as well. Some were in military intelligence- and a few of those became the other CIA. I've gone from a person whose idea of the military was drawn only from the Vietnam era to understanding a need for a strong, smart and efficient military to protect us. My appreciation and respect for those who served is immense and I kind of regret I've never had that experience- though I'm glad I wasn't in Vietnam.

Showing Vets your appreciation you can say, "Thank you." There is nothing wrong with that, but I believe we need to do more. And in the present ongoing wars where only 1%- and not the 1% Occupy, including several Veteran groups, are protesting- of the country are being affected the rest of us OWE them more than just a handshake. Most of the present folks fighting are those who believe its their sacred duty, those who went into the military because they had no other way out of poverty and those who decided to help by going into National Guard units. Many were deployed multiple times to Iraq and/or Afghanistan. many are scarred in various ways- and they suffered for the rest of us.

So say thank you in a tangible way! Buy a Vet a beer or lunch. Give them the next job opening in your business. On 11/11/11 have your business give them something special for just going in. But make sure they know that, regardless of whether you supported Afghanistan or Iraq, that you understand they have made a great sacrifice for our freedoms and you want to give at least a little something back.

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