Monday, January 16, 2012

Why No posts for a While

Well, we're still trying to find out if i had a bout of amnesia or a TIA- kind of a short term stroke. I'll keep folks posted.
Meanwhile, I'm working.
We had a good time with Amberwind's dad and step-mom, who we hadn't seen in nearly 18 years.
The newest menu is in play for January.
An North African Wine tasting Dinner is scheduled for Friday, January 27.
Still plugging away at the cookbook.
We're fighting our business insurance company over losses that they don't- like all such companies- want to pay out; Michael Moore should have said it applies to the entire industry.
I think it should be, "We are the 99.9%," since most of the problems are with the .1%- who earn on average $27 million a year and the laws and tax laws are actually strongly tilted in their favor; versus the next .9% who are fluid with the people in that group changing yearly. Personally, I wouldn't mind being in the the next .9% group and hope to make it there someday.
There is a video up at youtube of the Thanksgiving Holiday Cooking Class and I'll post the address as soon as I figure it out.
Otherwise, a belated Happy Healthy and Prosperous New Year to All!

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