Thursday, July 7, 2011

My Apologies

I just finished costing out each product on my new menu- took all day. The hubby (always marry someone with skills you don't have- he's a computer programmer by trade, though he runs the front of house/dining room & bar of the restaurant) is building a data base for it to speed up the process in the future. Even neo-Luddite that I am sees the sense in that. So no real post today. I still have to cost out all 43 dishes. Yes, I'm crazy and get bored easily. 4 food menus a year each with 43 items, though 4 go from menu to menu. Then 2 beer & wine menus a year- 40 microbrews & imports and 87 wines- 1/3 by the glass- on the new just 2 week old beverage menu.

I'll post in the morning. I'm off to shave, shower, etc.... Goodnight all.

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