I've lived a lot of places- here in the US and overseas. There is always competition between rival restaurants- but it can be friendly with cooperation between venues, the parties can mostly ignore each other and just do their own thing or it can get nasty with various chef's and owners going out of their way to cut each other down. In Silver City most restaurants just do their own thing and ignore the others. They might cooperate if you desperately need to borrow something, they won't go out of their way to recommend you but they won't go out of their way to cut you down. A few work together- as an example, Diane of Diane's Restaurant as well as Diane's Bakery & Deli and I borrow items frequently with one another, we send each other guests and exchange information about how our businesses are doing. We have shared ideas as to how to get through this- as Paul Krugman now calls it and I have been claiming all along- lesser depression.
When asked I'll recommend to my guests any of the restaurants I have and will eat in, even when I know the owners and chefs would not reciprocate- though in several cases I have no idea if they ever recommend us. There is one chef-owner who has told people I know that he thinks I'm crazy & stupid and can't understand how I give away business by calling up and making reservations at his restaurant for people. What he has never understood is if the food they're craving is not what I make and his is, no matter how good my food is they will not be as satisfied. By getting them a reservation for what they REALLY want that meal, when they are ready to dine in my place they enter already having a wealth of good will towards us and will have an even better dining experience than if I had convinced them otherwise.
There are 2 places I will recommend for breakfast, 7 I recommend for lunch, 4 for dinner and 1 for ice cream- dependent on if the restaurants' open on the day my guest is wanting to try something new. I do so whether I believe the chefs or owners recommend me because of the quality of food and experience. I just think that its a shame that more of the restaurants in this town won't cooperate with one another.
Now that I've got you curious I'll share what I tell people but in particular order: Diane's places of course, Alotta Gelato, Vickie's, 1zero6 (just NEVER call it 1-o-6), Mi Casita, Curious Kumquat, Tre Rosat, Country Kitchen Mexican & Jaliscos. You'll have to dine with me to hear which ones I recommend for what meals!
I just wish all of the local restaurants would "just get it" and reciprocate the same way- though I know a few of the above owners do! My thanks to them! Either way, I do recommend the above- after all, their food is also VERY different from what I offer.
1 comment:
Sent one your way tonight. Seemed like a nice lady.
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